Echoes and Silence for Amberdreams

Dec 19, 2020 15:09

Title: Echoes and Silence
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating/Warnings: R/Spoilers for 15.20, main character death, suicidal ideations
Words: 4400
Summary: When his brother dies, the world goes quiet.
Notes: Written for amberdreams for the 2020 spn_j2_xmas challenge. Her prompt was You’re going to die in your best friend’s arms. / And you play along because it’s funny, because it’s written down (Siken). I tagged this as Wincest; in my head it is but there is nothing super obvious and it could be read as gen/gencest.

Happy holidays, amberdreams! And thanks for giving the a-okay for post-finale feelings :D hope you enjoy!
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