Pinch Hitter Sign-Up Post

Oct 05, 2018 20:53

This is the pinch hitter sign-up post for the 2018 round of spn_j2_xmas!

If you'd like to help out with creating a gift for someone whose original gifter dropped out, then please sign up here using this simple form:

LJ name:
Contact email:

Are you a writer/artist/vidder?

What can you do? (e.g. Wincest, bottom!Jensen, Jared/Misha, Castiel gen)
What can't you do? (e.g. Gabriel slash, het, SPN AUs, porn)

Are you available for last minute pinch-hits in mid-to-late December?

When we have an assignment that needs covering, we'll contact you with the details. You can accept or decline a pinch-hit depending on whether you have the time and whether the assignment is your cup of tea. If you decline, we'll try to come back to you for a later one so you won't miss out.

You can sign up as a pinch-hitter whether or not you've signed up as a participant in the main exchange. Please remember that if you haven't signed up in the main exchange, you won't get a gift of your own in return (although you will get our undying gratitude!)

As in prior years, we're asking for a bit of detail on the sign-up form. This doesn't need to be lengthy -- it's just to help steer us in the right direction and save time in emailing people with pinch-hits they definitely can't do (e.g. if a giftee only wants bottom!Sam, I know not to ask anyone who only does bottom!Dean).

The availability question is also not binding -- if you say you're available but then find you're busy around the holiday period, that's totally not a problem. This is just a rough guide to make the process speedier on the mod side of things. :)

Pinch-hitters are superstars! You can sign up any time from now until the exchange is over. Any questions, as always, let us know here or shoot an email to:


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