The Supernatural and CWRPF Holiday Exchange 2018 - Sign-ups

Sep 01, 2018 06:00

Welcome to the exchange you’ve been waiting for all year - 2018’s round of spn_j2_xmasThis is a Secret Santa style fanworks exchange for the SPN and CWRPF fandom. Whether you have participated all 10 years, or have just stumbled upon this awesome event, everyone is invited to participate. If you don’t have an LJ, you can sign up here in an anonymous comment, ( Read more... )


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Comments 66

emmatheslayer September 1 2018, 14:14:59 UTC
LJ Name: emmatheslayer

Are you a writer/artist/vidder?artist
What sort of gift would you like to receive? fic

What pairings/characters would you like? J2, Matt Cohen /Jensen Ackles, Colin ford, Jeffrey dean Morgan /jared Padalecki, sastiel, mishalecki, wincest

What are your general 'likes'? , rpf, collage, high school aus, dark fic, pwp, aus
What are your general 'dislikes'? (i.e. cliches, squicks, etc.) historical aus, John bashing, royal aus, destiel

What can you do? wincest, geneel, j2, j3, gen spn characters, mishalecki, sastiel, aus, mpreg, rpf,
What can you definitely not do?
Destiel, cockles, bashing, rape, were animals
List up to five prompts:1. Colin Ford is a twink and a shameless tease and Jensen cant help himself ( ... )


swan_song21 September 1 2018, 15:01:37 UTC
Name: Swan-song21, AO3, Tumblr
Contact email:

Are you a writer/artist/vidder? Writer & artist. I'm willing to do either.
What sort of gift would you like to receive? Fic!

What pairings/characters would you like? Sam/Dean, J2
What are your general 'likes'?
Mob aus, (mob boss Jensen <3 ) I have a serious thing for prostitute Jared/Sam. Sue me. Jealous growly Dean/Jensen is life. I love forced marriage Aus, and bed sharing that's planned or unplanned. First time fics. Hugs, please give the pair a long meaningful hugging moment, I will love you forever. Also, soulmates. Hurt! Sam/Jared and protective! Dean/Jensen. I love Season 8 fix it. Set after S5 au. Wall sex, car sex, table sex. Any sex out of bed and not in the shower is my Jam( for the record I love sex on the bed too). It's shallow but I really want a NC-17 rated fic for this. Reunion/ I thought you died. First time in a long time.
What are your general 'dislikes'?First or Second POV. bottom! Dean/Jensen, is the biggest no. Even hinted switching squeaks me. I ( ... )


verucasalt123 September 1 2018, 15:48:02 UTC
LJ Name: verucasalt123 (on LJ and AO3)
Contact email:

Are you a writer/artist/vidder? Writer
What can you do? Wincest (adult or underage), Sam/Castiel, Meg/Castiel, gen fic with most characters, pre-series, Stanford-era, case-fic, domestic, curtain fic, angst with happy ending, pwp
What can you definitely not do? AU, RPF, A/B/O, heavy BDSM, deathfic, torture/gore, non-con, femslash, mpreg

What sort of gift would you like to receive? Fic or vid
What pairings/characters would you like? Sam/Dean, Meg/Cas Sam/Cas, Donna, Jody, Jack, Billie

What are your general 'likes'? hurt/comfort, tears, humor, caretaking, cooking, domestic, underage Sam/Dean, suspicious!John, casefic, pwp, dirty talk, protectiveness, smoking, brotherly banter
What are your general 'dislikes'? stereotyped boys (example: sex & cheeseburgers Dean, prudish bookworm Sam), A/B/O, RPF, heavy BDSM, deathfic, torture/gore, non-con, AUs, femslash, permanent disfigurement

List up to five prompts:1. S7, Sam turns to illegal drugs (any stimulant) to ( ... )


amberdreams September 1 2018, 16:39:33 UTC
LJ Name: amberdreams
Contact email: amberdreams30 at gmail dot com

Are you a writer/artist/vidder? Writer & artist
What can you do? (e.g. Wincest/RPF/het/gen; fluff/angst; any pairings listed below) Wincest, gen, RPF, Gencest
What can you definitely not do? Underage (under 16), toilet kinks, hard core porn, het, pairings other than wincest or J2, medical stuff

What sort of gift would you like to receive? Anything!
What pairings/characters would you like? I love Gen but also Sam/Dean, J2, J3 (i.e. JDM+J2). As long as the J2 and/or

What are your general 'likes'? time travel, dystopian AUs, hurt boys, erotic (or non erotic) co-dependency, soul mates, everything is FUBAR, happy endings, sad endings, fix its, cowboys, curses, case fic (or art!), crossovers with other verses (especially MCU, Firefly, French Mistake verse, End verse, Criminal Minds, NCIS and the like), outsider POVs
What are your general 'dislikes'? Mpreg, toilet related kinks, feminisation of male characters (unless it's a body swap thing), infantilisation, characters acting out ( ... )


kuwlshadow September 1 2018, 17:29:23 UTC
LJ Name: kuwlshadow
Contact email:

Are you a writer/artist/vidder? Artist
What can you do? Gen, Slash (Dean/Castiel, Sam/Castiel, etc.), RPF (only if needed)
What can you definitely not do? Het, Femslash

What sort of gift would you like to receive? Fic or Art
What pairings/characters would you like? Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel….can be General or Slash

What are your general 'likes'? Horror, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Canon or Canon aus, Endverse, casefic
What are your general 'dislikes'? Hard kinks, a/b/o, underage sex, graphic sex, hardcore stuff, bdsm

List up to five prompts: (optional)

1. Dean and Sam (and Castiel) living in an "end of the world" scenerio (apocalypic world) where they fight for survival. Could involve zombies.
2. Dean and Sam visit a haunted zoo.
3. Dean and Sam visit Santa Cruz, CA due to something case related. Creature preying on people on the Boardwalk.
4. Something really scary...horror. Let your imagination be your guide.
5. Dean, I think we're lost.


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