Title: Big Damn Heroes
tifachingPairing/Characters: Sam/Dean, All the regular Firefly characters except Inara
Word count/Medium: 7832
Rating: PG
Warnings: mile wincest
Spoilers: none
Summary: There seems to be some dispute over whether Sam and Dean Winchester are heroes. The crew of Serenity comes to believe they are.
alyndra. I used your crossover/heroes prompt, hopefully in a way you will like. Also went with outside pov, which made this a bit more Firefly than SPN so I hope that works all right for you. I'm sorry for the incredible lateness of this. I hope you enjoy!
Mal doesn’t have a lot of rules. Mostly, he’s got guidelines, situational ethics, a sort of personal code that he enforces among those close to him by sheer force of will. )