Final Gift for koulagirl666

Jan 16, 2008 07:05

Title: Proud of You
Author: lostandalone22
Written for: koulagirl666
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1005
Summary: John sees something that makes him proud of Sam, but he never tells him.
Beta'd by: onci-dium
Disclaimer: The boys do not belong to me.

John and Dean pulled up in the Impala in front of Sam’s high school to wait for him. When the final bell rang, John had his head laid back on the headrest, resting his eyes after running around all day with Dean. He loved his son, but there was only so much of his music that he could deal with before he felt like his head was going to explode. “Dad!” He opened one eye and lifted his head a little bit when he heard Dean call for him.

Dean was pointing at a spot in front of them, and in the sea of teenagers, it took John a moment to see what it was. Sam was standing there with a couple of other boys that looked like football players. They were a year or two older than him, and it didn’t look like they were talking to him in a friendly manner. He sat up, opening his eyes all the way, but just sat there, vigilant. He knew Sammy could handle these boys, but he was alert, just in case.

“I have to go get him.” Dean said, starting to open the door.

“No.” John held out an arm, restraining Dean from leaving the car.

“What do you mean, ‘no’? He’s getting picked on, Dad! I can’t just sit here and watch him get pounded.” Dean tried to argue his point, gesturing with his hand to where Sam was facing off with the boys.

“Give him a minute. Let’s see what he does.” John was being cautious. He didn’t want to see Sam get bullied, but he had to know that his son was able to hold his own against something as minuscule as this. This weekend, he was going to take his son on his first hunt, and he had to know that Sammy could handle himself before he pitted him against the real monsters. If he could handle some pimply faced jerk, then it was a start. “Just wait.”

Dean took a deep breath, and looked intently to where Sam was standing, folding his hands in front of his face. He would wait for a minute and see how Sam dealt with it, but then, he was going in there and beating the crap out of those football players.

For a minute or so, it appeared like they really were going to need to go out there as one of the biggest ones reached out and shoved him, but then, it looked like Sammy was talking. “Why is he just talking? He needs to get out of there.” Dean said quickly, clearly worried.

“Shh, he’s dealing with them.” John said, leaning forward a little to watch closer himself. The boy who had shoved him turned a darker color of pink and looked away, and John knew that Sam had done what he did best: outwitted them. It looked like the other boys were starting to laugh at that guy, and Sam started slowing moving away, grabbing his bookbag from where it had fallen to the ground and hoping they didn’t see him moving away.

“That’s my boy!” Dean yelled, excitedly. John reached out again and grabbed his arm.

“Not a word to him, Dean.” John said, and cut Dean off before he could say anything else. “He needs to learn how to do this, because you’re not always going to be there to take care of him.”

“The hell if I won’t.” Dean said, indignantly. “I’m his big brother, and I’ll always be here for him.”

John sighed and shook his head. “I get where you’re coming from, son, I really do, but thinking like that is going to get you killed on a hunt, could get him killed on a hunt. He needs to be able to hold his own, and him knowing that you’re always going to be there to hold his hand and make things better is going to end up being more of a hindrance than a help in the long run. Trust me to know what’s right for him.”

Dean clenched his jaw, and looked straight ahead to where his brother was trudging towards the car, bookbag swung over one shoulder. “Fine,” he said quietly through clenched teeth.

The back door opened, and Sam dropped into the backseat, slamming the door as loudly as he could. “Thanks for the help out there, Dean.” He muttered grumpily.

“Dude, we just pulled up.” Dean said.

“Whatever, let’s just go.” Sam said, almost under his breath.

“Drop that attitude, Sam, or I’m going to drop it for you,” John warned. Sam turned to face the window, rolled his eyes, and sulked quietly the rest of the way back to their motel.

John told himself it was the right thing to do. As much as he wanted to tell his boy that he was proud of him for sticking up for himself, as much as he wanted to tell him that he loved him and would always be there to take care of things if they got too rough, he needed Sammy to be self-sufficient. If he couldn’t take care of himself without praise against a schoolyard bully, what was going to happen when he came across one of the things that they hunted by himself? It was the right thing to do.

Two years later, when John came across a large envelop under Sam’s bed that said he was leaving them, John knew it had been the wrong thing to do. He had never considered that Sam would get so self-sufficient that he would leave them.

In that moment, he really wished that he had handled that situation better. Maybe if he’d sent Dean out there to rescue him, or acknowledged what Sam had done; he wouldn’t be leaving them now.

That night, they had the worst fight that they ever had. He told Sam if he was leaving to never come back, and Sammy listened. He really wished he’d had the chance to tell Sammy how proud he was of him.

2007, final gift, spn:het

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