Final Gift for Montisello!

Jan 09, 2008 21:16

Title: 13 Bound Avenue, Hamistagan
Rating/Pairing: NC-17, Dean/Jo, Dean/Jo/Sam, Dean/Sam.
Warnings: Explicit Sex, both Het and Slash, and a threesome, Explicit m/f/m. Interpretation of hell, ect. Pleasantville. Spoilers for Season Three, in general, but not beyond the US.
Prompt: For Spn_holidays's recipient montisello. Prompts were "A fic with Dean/Jo [...] Write me a fic with Dean/Jo and Sam not a third wheel, maybe working on a case together. Can be het or gen. Also, don’t tell anyone, but I’m curious about a threeway with Jo/Sam/Dean. I mean, WOW." and "A fic with Sam and Dean reenacting the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice." This is a rather creative interpretation of both of those things, I'm sure, but I hope it was worth the wait, and that your new year is as awesome as your last.

Summary: Dean has a wife, a house, a steady job, a brand new ride and a charmed life. And he realizes he's not in control of any of it.

Thursday and Friday are here, Saturday and Sunday are here.

2007, spn:wincest, final gift, spn:het

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