Final gift for unhobbityhobbit

Dec 30, 2007 21:14

Title: Dean and Sam's first great escape
Pairing: Gen.
Rating: teen
Summary: Sam does something he deems horrifying to help his brother get out of some police-related trouble.
Warnings: None, except that this was not beta-read by anyone other than me, but I think it's not that bad.
Notes: Written for
unhobbityhobbit upon the prompt "Winchesters vs The Law"
Set somewhere in the year 2000.
I am sorry that it took so long, and that this gift is merely passable, but I have been very sick and couldn't do something as cool as I would've liked to. I was actually going for all the prompts, but I can't even keep my head straight. I'm so, so, sorry. Merry belated Christmas!

“You told me to bail you out! I’m a minor, Dean, I can’t bail you out.”

2007, spn:gen, final gift

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