pinch hitter post!

Dec 12, 2007 22:20

Hi all! Everybody getting their Santa presents ready? Anyone looking to maybe do a *leetle* bit extra?

Well here's the post for you!

We're coming upon that time where some people are going to realize they're just *not* going to get their fic done for whatever reason and we're going to need pinch hit writers/artists/vidders. People who'd be good candidates to do a pinch hit assignment are people who are near to done with their own assignment. We dont want sombody's primary assignment getting lost in the shuffle in order to fulfill a pinch hit.

But! If you're close to done with your original gift now, and want to be on the email loop for pinch hits, please comment here with your email address. You don't have to give any specifics here - whether you're a writer or a vidder, if you only write slash or het or gen - it doesn't matter. Everyone on the pinch hit list will get emailed every unclaimed prompt. You can then email back and say if you want it or not.

There is no committment in this. If you never see a prompt you want to pick up you dont have to do a second gift at all. But if you DO see something you'd like to take a stab at, all you have to do is reply to the email and we'll get you all set up.

So! Again! If you're interested in being on the pinch hit list, please comment here with your email address.


By that same token, if you're just NOT going to be able to finish your assignment for any reason, PLEASE email as soon as you can. It's not a problem at ALL and we WILL reassign your prompt, but please *let us know* so no one goes without a gift when the posting begins.

Ok! Any questions please let me know, but in the meantime, if you're up for pinch hitting, please leave me a comment with your email here!

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