Shaft of a Poison Arrow

Jun 21, 2011 16:26

Title: Shaft of a Poison Arrow
Author: icanhazpie
Rating: PG13
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Hetfic
Pairing: John/Mary
Characters: John, Mary, various appearances
Wordcount: 1532
Disclaimer: Kripke has pretty toys and was nice enough to let me play with them. Not mine, not mine, not mine.
A/N: Lots of easter eggs in this one, so have fun. Spoilery for My Bloody Valentine and In The Beginning, sort of. Written to fill "poisoning" on my hc_bingo card. Lyrics belong to the Beatles, dialogue in the opening sequence belongs to Kripke and Edlund.
Summary: Once upon a time, a boy and a girl didn't like each other. They got married. This is what happened in between.

Why does Heaven care if Harry meets Sally?

rating:pg-13, pairing: john/mary, pre-series, fanfic, one-shot

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