Title: Empire State of Mind (28/?)
Characters (Pairings): Castiel/OC
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except the original character(s).
Summary: Castiel makes a friend in New York City. And like many New York sitcoms, this is a story about nothing.
A/N: Sorry girls, no slash. And this story virtually has no plot; it's just a bunch of fluffy tales of Castiel's time in New York. This is Post-Apocalypse, very Castiel-centric, and is set in the December of 2012.
Chapter Summary: The angel versus the NYU physics professor.
"A-alrighty then, stranger," Professor's testiness curved his attention, and he watched as he moved to stand behind one of the two lecterns on the stage. He gestured the other. "Why don't you take the, ah, opposition and we'll make tonight's discussion a whole lot more interesting?" )