Title: Diving Into Our Own Destruction
lovedbythesun Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Ruby/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Incidents of bad language. Spoilers through the fourth season.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All characters herein belong to their respective creators. I'm just playing in someone else's Wonderland.
Word Count: 1719
Summary: A demon. An angel. The weirdest love connection ever and a bubble bath.
Notes: Written for
hearditbothways at
spnrarepairs .
schmoop_bingo prompt: bubble bath,
kissbingo prompt: type - clean. Thanks to
lanapedia for giving this a quick once-over, and all remaining mistakes are mine. Title from Bathwater by No Doubt. I hope you enjoy!
She'd run the bathwater, checking the temperature against her wrist before adding the soap. )