Title: Sam’s Sweet Surprise for Jessica
softbluebuddyCharacters: Sam/Jess
Word Count: 2405
Genre: HET
Warnings: Food sex, A2M, Cum swapping
Summary: Jessica comes home to find that Sam has a very sweet surprise planned for her.
Sam’s Sweet Surprise for Jessica
Sam had draped the room in white paint tarps. Both the floor and the walls were covered. It was starkly white, with the exception of a large mirror on one wall, and there was music playing in the distance from one of the other rooms in the house.
Jess stood at the entrance to the room watching him complete his preparations. They had laughed and joked about this for some time and tonight was going to be the night.
When Sam finished he beckoned Jess with his finger, and she walked toward him. Jess was completely naked and her hair was hanging down her back. She shivered a little because she was cold and nervous. When she reached him, his arms opened and Sam pulled her into a warm hug.
The feel of Sam’s warm skin against hers was exactly what she needed. Tilting her head back to allow him access, he leaned down and kissed her, slowly, softly at first and then with more urgency.
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