Title: Baby Love
benitlePairing: Sam/Jess
Rating: R
Word count: 1,538 words
Warnings, spoilers: Graphic BJ, Angst, no spoilers
Summary: Jess is late for her period.
Notes: Written for the
sam_slut_a_thon challenge. Prompt 014. Pregnancy Scare. Many, many thanks to
aynslee for the awesome beta. T
This is a piece of fiction, no copyright infringement intended.
Sam doesn't know what to say. He hates feeling like that, lost and helpless with a million thoughts running through his mind; none seeming appropriate at all. What does one say in a moment like this? "We'll manage even though we can't afford a child, even though we're ruining our future?" or rather, "What about an abortion, honey?" Neither seems the better option.