Title: Dead or Alive. (1/?)
jessi_br00t4lCharacters: Dean Winchester, Sam winchester, Peter Petrelli, HRG & family, Doris(OC), with mentions of Sylar, Nathan, and many others.
Pairings: Hints of Dean/Peter. (Eventual Dean/Peter, Dean/Sylar, and Dean/Sam - possible other pairings TBA).
Fandoms: Supernatural and Heroes.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Language and very mild spoilers.
Disclaimer: My name is not Tim Kring or Eric Kripke.
Notes: This is a SPN/Heroes crossover and my very first crossover. I'm pretty proud of it. It's going to be very long and plotarific and I already have like the whole thing planned out. And yes, I totally realize that I'm going to pimp Dean out to like everyone. I hope everyone enjoys this first chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Tell me if you think I've got something here! ^_^
Here @ my journal.
Title: Dead or Alive (2/?)
Author: jessi_br00t4l
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Peter Petrelli. Mentions of Sylar, Nathan, and many others.
Pairings: Hints of Dean/Peter and Dean/Sam. (Eventual Dean/Peter, Dean/Sam, and Dean/Sylar. Other possible pairings TBA).
Fandoms: Supernatural and Heroes.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, mild spoilers, incest-ish undertones, UNBETAED!
Disclaimer: My name is not Tim Kring or Eric Kripke.
Notes: This is a Supernatural/Heroes crossover. This is my first crossover series, and I'm really excited about it. This chapter is mostly a set up for the next two. Also, not that this matters, but I am so falling in love with the Dean/Peter pairing and I can't wait to do more with them. I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I'm enjoying writing it. ^_^
Here @ my journal.
Also, you can find 'Dead or Alive, Mix.01'