Title: But I Am The Hammer II
force-obliqueRating: PG-13 - ;) innuendo (nothing graphic just talking- censored for your blushing eyes lol)
Disclaimer: I don't own anything! :P
Characters/Pairings: Castiel/Elle Bishop - mostly poor Castiel's POV, Claire Bennet cameo
Spoilers/Warnings: General fic - no spoiler, Crack!Fic
Summary: “We are ANGELS, we DON’T have sex!! Is that understood?” Castiel shouted, ignoring the pointed, disapproving looks he got from the other angels around him since he said the “s” word.
“Liar! And how were Nephilims born, huh?” Elle quipped.
“Do I look like an obstetrician?”
Author's Notes: This is what happens when you go completely insane. When you are talking with people as insane as yourself...there's no escape. It was beyond my control!
And this is the second time... heee since it is the Sequel!
READ THE FIRST PART(stand-alone too)
HERE But I Am The Hammer Of The Lord II !!