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starry_sky247 June 11 2011, 08:57:50 UTC
Interesting .Honestly I don't care about the gender on the person who is evil or what gender,color and religion it is on the person who dies in a TV show . Evil is evil and death is a death. I never understood why a death of a women is so more important then over a man .Do i get upset and sad then women and children getting killed,raped ,beaten or treated unfairly just because they are seen as the “weak” in real life, of course it make me see red . But it also make me sad then men is the victim too.

yes sometimes innocent women dies but so does the men and the children too in TV shows ,so this just confirmed what I suspected: it's more men who dies then women .


ash48 June 11 2011, 09:20:14 UTC
Yes. This was mostly for interest sake. We are not making any judgment on the show. The show deals with a lot of death - in fact bases most episodes around someone dying.

Agreed though.. all death is sad. No matter the gender.

Thanks for dropping by. :)


gardnerhill June 12 2011, 18:55:25 UTC
Yes - but horror stories and shows have a particularly nasty fetish about using women and people of color as monster-chum. It's a false equivalency to say "Oh, all death is sad on a horror show" when said show has a history of negating anyone who isn't a white male - and has no one other than white males in the inner circle of heroes. And which has a history of introducing one, and only one, person of color per season - only to kill that person off.

So how's that "back-from-the-dead" magic (that's repeatedly revived both Winchesters, Grampa Campbell, Bobby and Castiel - pale males all) working for Jo, Ellen, Pamela, Mary, Bela, Anna, Uriel, Gordon, Lt. Hendrickson, Rufus, or any of the other non-white/non-male semi-regulars in the story?


starry_sky247 June 12 2011, 19:38:49 UTC
I guess it is pointless to write this because we see things from a certain point of view

and yes I do think all death is sad that is what I am .

Do you and you minions like you think there is no racist among non white people or that women can not do nasty thing like murder or other violent things That is just ridicules and yes I know that white people and men has a bigger number in this subject and believe me then I say this I would definitely take away that part from every human if I could .

So you can accuse me for being a racist and misogynist all you want


gardnerhill June 13 2011, 02:37:26 UTC
I don't have minions, you're thinking of Misha Collins. Further, I never called you a racist nor a misogynist (which you would have seen if you'd read what I'd written), nor did I imply that you were. I did accuse you of employing a false equivalency in saying that all deaths hold equal power of tragedy in a show in which all the surviving continuing characters (all of whom have experienced death at least once) are 100% white males.

And technically - no, non-white people cannot be racist. Anyone can be prejudiced against someone of a different color, creed, etc. - but the definition of "racism" as it's used in social studies is "Prejudice + Power" - and whites are the ones with the power to enforce their prejudices in this society ( ... )


starry_sky247 June 13 2011, 18:48:48 UTC
Well we have Lisa ,Tessa ,Demon Meg who has survived and come back .

Sara ,Cassie and Missouri sure they haven't been in more than one episode but they are still are alive and we can only guess what will happened to Missouri if she is coming back.

Sam and Dean has only two male in their inner circle who are still alive Cas and Bobby but I suspect that Cas will get under the ax next season.

yes Racism is an old and wrong word to use to say that some non white people can be as bad as some white people in having prejudiced and intolerance against other people that don't have the same culture ,same color and so on

I mostly watch crime shows and they are good in having actors and actress from minority groups as main cast so I have no idea how this industry are working beside to get as many viewers as they can . I do remember a tv show that started last fall that had two Afro Americans as main characters but I think they canceled that show pretty quick then it had no success .


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