Good Dean Hunting - A Season 1 Overview

Sep 21, 2006 13:05

Okay, here it is, the man behind the myth, Dean Winchester throughout the 1. Season. So hop in the Impala and enjoy the ride. ;)
Because it is pretty long I used a couple of cut tags.

Good Dean Hunting - A Season 1 Overview of Dean Winchester )


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Comments 28

missyjack September 21 2006, 12:26:05 UTC
Thank you for a very insightful and comprehensive meta. And funny too!

I`ve always found it interesting that the son who knew this life, even a little, doesn`t seem to long for it. Yet it makes perfect sense and it is telling that at the end of Something Wicked he wishes the innocence for Sam but not for himself. It`s because he HAD it and it was ripped away from him.
Excellent point. And sorta sad for Dean.

He tries to fullfill the needs of Sam and John so they won`t leave him. Which also belies the notion that Dean isn`t sensitive. To fullfill another person you have to finely attuned to them/their feelings by default. Which is my definition of sensitivity.
I have never read this put more clearly. This is such an important insight into Dean.

Damn the only place I can think of where he`d be more of a mark would be prison. Unless Michael Scofield was in that prison!

Oh and I’m going to giggling about this for days: on account of Dean`s apparent love for Metallicar that he has a certain fondness for inanimate objects and that`s ( ... )


astri13 September 21 2006, 13:21:46 UTC
Thank you for a very insightful and comprehensive meta. And funny too!

Thanks. *blushes*

I have never read this put more clearly. This is such an important insight into Dean.

Not to say that Sam isn`t sensitive (though he can falter with his family and the brothers bond with the PiPs pretty evenly) but whenever I see him classified as "the soulful smart sensitive one", I`m like: Come on, Dean is like a little EMF-meter himself when it comes to Sam, John or the people he feels kinship with. What he isn`t, is outwardly gentle and well-mannered. That`s a difference.

Unless Michael Scofield was in that prison!

Hee. I can just see burly inmates dreaming of hot pretty-threesomes. ;)

Oh and I’m going to giggling about this for days: on account of Dean`s apparent love for Metallicar that he has a certain fondness for inanimate objects and that`s how Cassie came about.

When they said goodbye the song lyrics went something like this: "She is the reason blablabla."
I was dumbstruck because I am still searching for a reason for her.


missyjack September 21 2006, 13:31:29 UTC
Dean as a little EMF meter - lovely and true image.

Oh I wonder what more of Dean will be revealed in S2? Think of all the metas just waiting to be written!


astri13 September 21 2006, 13:42:10 UTC
Well as far as "revealed" goes, if the next towel scene is a turban too, I cry foul. *g*

I think they could also do a little switch in Season 2. Season 1 was revealing Dean`s psyche while Sam was more learning stuff and reacting to outward impulses. In the upcoming Season I think they could reveal more about Sam, why law, why Jess etc. And Dean could be prodded by otuside events. Wouldn`t want them doing it 100 % either way for either guy though, just a little mix-up.
Well since I`ve gorged myself on spoilers I know a little bit at least. :)


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astri13 September 21 2006, 17:53:02 UTC
Thanks. And I feel the same way whenever someone labels Sam as the one with the brains and seems to think Dean isn`t all that bright.

God, higher education isn`t everything. I`m an academic, my uncle is a carpenter. When my closet-door broke and we wanted to repair it, I was as useful as jello. And knowledge isn`t intelligence. IMO both brothers are smart and quick on their feet.
And who`s to say he couldn`t have gone. Just because he didn`t, does in no way indicate he couldn`t have made it. Thousands of unbelievably stupid people can be find at Unis worldwide. ;)


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astri13 September 21 2006, 20:51:07 UTC
Yup that was me and it`s such a funny image. And I gotta say when I finally do get some handy-work right I feel proud too. Naturally I`m much more of a Sam-type, geeky book-worm all the way. When Dean is off having fun in some bar and Sam is sitting at the table doing research, that would SO be me. :)
Yet I`m an internalizer like Dean so I can see a bit of me in both brothers. And they really bring my inner hobby psycho-analyst out.


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astri13 September 21 2006, 20:52:10 UTC
Thanks. It kept getting longer and longer and there is still stuff I feel that I have missed. These Winchester boys sure are meta-inspiring. :)


__rini September 22 2006, 01:46:46 UTC
Oh wow. I read absolutely all of this and really enjoyed it. Oh, and agreed with pretty much everything you said.

I'm sticking this in my memories. You did a fantastic job; it was humorous, really insightful and interesting. And I completely agree that Dean is so much more intelligent than people give him credit for.


astri13 September 22 2006, 09:03:37 UTC
Thank you. I had great fun writing it so I`m glad it was an entertaining read even though it`s so long.


marinarusalka September 22 2006, 01:58:11 UTC
So no, he wasn`t horribly woobied into the lifestyle and he isn`t weak or pathetic for staying in it. He chose it and stands by it. If you called him a poor little martyr he`d probably punch you in the face.

Thank you! It drives me nuts when people dismiss Dean's committment to hunting as "oh, he's just too weak/afraid/brainwashed to try for a normal life." That's just projecting Sam's values onto Dean and completely glossing over the fact that Dean has an entirely different set of values. Not better, not worse, just different.

From what I can see, Dean is way ahead of the majority of the population when it comes to career satisfaction. He takes pride in what he does, is good at it, enjoys it, and makes a real difference for the better in the world. How many people these days can say anything more positive about their job then "Well, it pays the bills?"


astri13 September 22 2006, 09:10:00 UTC
Oh God, don`t get me started because this absolutely drives me nuts too. I might not understand how some people chose to lead their lifes but I would never be so presumptous to think that my values in life go for everybody and therefore these people are somehow pathetic or "wrong."

I can understand why Sam might be unhappy about Dean leading such a risky life and not really understanding as of yet but ultimately they`ll both have to understand that you can`t force your idea of happiness onto somebody else, no matter how you good your intentions.

From what I can see, Dean is way ahead of the majority of the population when it comes to career satisfaction. He takes pride in what he does, is good at it, enjoys it, and makes a real difference for the better in the world. How many people these days can say anything more positive about their job then "Well, it pays the bills?"

Agree 100 %.


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