Call for Supernatural Halloween Prompts

Sep 10, 2008 08:10

Ever wonder what would happen if you threw Winchesters into a haunted Halloween candy factory and they were pelted with candy corns?

Well, now's your chance! Reply to this post with your prompts for the Halloween challenge!

A few reminders:

1. MUST be a Supernatural Halloween story prompt!

2. All genres, characters, pairings, casefic, futurefic, pre-series, MOTW, crossovers, RPF/RPS, AUs, PWP, missing canon scenes, gen, slash, het, crack, horror, etc. are welcome as long as it coincides with rule number 1! If you are not sure, please ask!

You're welcome to submit as many prompts as you want, and you do not have to participate/claim a prompt to do so. The goal is to produce as many Supernatural Halloween fics as possible and the prompts help towards that goal!

You can certainly borrow from the prompt lists for 2006 and 2007, even if just looking for an idea or recycling an old prompt. I know there were quite a few last year that were simply amazing, so I'd like to see that happen again this year! Go to town! You have until September 16th, on September 17th the list of prompts will go up for claiming.

admin, prompts

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