Pod Fic Case Story Big Bang

Nov 10, 2012 20:54

Posted with permission. Thank you!

If you are an artist and you like podfics, you may consider claiming some of the podfics in Case Story challenge: PodFics Case Story Big Bang @ casestory. You don’t have to sign up. There is one SPN gen crossover story, but you are allowed to claim any of the fics, no matter if it already has been claimed or not.

Also you are invited to visit journeystory and claim some of the stories submitted for the Journey Story Big Bang. The entry is here:
Fandoms of the unclaimed stories @ JS: Space Cases (Nickoloden) TV, Torchwood, Stargate Universe, Marvel Avengers movie 'verse, Psych, Power Rangers RPM/Power Rangers Time Force and The Social Network.
Same rules as above.

Thank you!

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