Tales of Hell: Podfic

Jul 13, 2011 22:17

Title: Tales of Hell
Summary: Hell has stories too.
Written by: somnolentblue 
Audio by: belladonnanoir 
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: None, Gen
Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Supernatural nor do I make any profits from doing any audio. This fic was written and recorded for pod_together

Text can be found at somnolentblue's journals: dreamwidth; livejournal. Listen to the audio sections embedded with the text at AO3 .

MP3/Podbook and Zip File (16 minutes/15MB) Downloadable at

belladonnanoir's journals: dreamwidth; livejournal. Listen to the audio sections embedded with the text at AO3 .

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