Story title: Fire or Fire
Story author:
lemmealoneRead by:
ifyoweremineRating: R
Format: mp3
Text link to original story:
HereApproximate length: 2:17:20
Story summary: It took less than an hour in Hell to send Dean mad. Sam doesn't remember what he did to bring his brother back, and in Oklahoma six months later people are burning alive.
Link to file: Temporary link
here, permanent link
here Filesize is 125MB.
Note: I’ve done a few small cracky pieces before, but this is my first serious attempt at podficcing. So of course I decided to do a 20,000+ word fic. #facepalm# ^___~ Anyway, be nice?
cybel was kind enough to convert this into a podbook for me, which you can download
here (temporary link) or
here (permanent link). The cover is a cropped version of
artwork and the original is hidden under the Artwork tab in iTunes.
Special thanks to
general_jinjur for the permanent links! <333