Title: The Doll!verse Stories 1-4: Doll House, Doll Day Afternoon, Dolls of War, Born Under a Doll Sign
Kellifer_ficGenre: Crack
Rating: PG-13
counteragentCover Artist:
johaniraeSummary: A curse leaves Dean a little... short.
File Type: m4b (podbook)
Length: 0:33:23 (16.2MB)
Sendspace Link:
herePermanent link (courtesy of
here ('right click and save as')
Please comment to
counteragent via her original (mp3) podfic post
You'll find the text links to the stories and can comment to the author
You'll find the cover art and can comment to the artist
This podbook version of the podfic was compiled with permission. It will also soon have a permanent home (as do most of the podbooks posted here) with its original podfic in
general_jinjur's wonderful
Audiofic Archive.