The Lord of Misrule - spn_genbigbang fic Masterpost

Oct 12, 2012 14:07

Originally posted by amber1960 at The Lord of Misrule - spn_genbigbang fic Masterpost

Title: The Lord of Misrule
Author: amber1960
Artist: adrenalineshots
Characters / Pairing: Sam and Dean Winchester, Kali, Thor, Loki, various OCs. Gen
Rating: R for SPN-level violence and bad language.
Word Count: ~ 26k
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Warping of Viking and Native American myths and legends.  But hopefully in a good way.  No disrespect to any living belief systems is intended.
Type: spn_gen_bigbang 2012 Bigbang

Summary:  The action takes place immediately after Lucifer kills Gabriel.  Gabriel’s death releases the real god Loki from his thousand-year imprisonment, and he is out for revenge on the architect of his suffering - Gabriel.  Furious that the archangel is out of his reach, and discovering that his powers are weakened by this modern unbelieving world, Loki goes after Kali and the Winchesters.  The Norse god finds he has bitten off more than he can chew, but unfortunately the boys are caught up too, when Kali decides to teach Loki a lesson.

Art!!   This being a big bang and all, the lovely adrenalineshots did some wonderful art to perfectly compliment my fic.  You must go and check out her art post here and leave her lots of love.

The PDF version (which you can download here) has the art embedded but believe me, you need to see it large to really appreciate the colour and the humour and the sheer awesomeness.

Disclaimer: Sadly the Winchesters do not belong to me, all intellectual property of the CW still belongs to them; the surrounding packaging is mine.

PART1  PART2  PART3a Part3b  PART4a PART4B & Epilogue   Also on AO3

Acknowledgements: Manifold thanks go to my awesome betas tifaching and adrenalineshots for all their help and encouragement on my first big bang.  This story is much more coherent because of them and it goes without saying that any remaining errors are all mine!

season:5, rating:r, genre:h/c, character:kali, character:originals, time travel, hurt!dean, hurt!sam

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