Magic Carpet Ride

Sep 10, 2012 02:41

Title: Magic Carpet Ride
Author: San Antonio Rose (ramblin_rosie)
Artist: ilikemyhumordry
Betas: jennytork, auntmo9
Fandoms: SPN/Mission: Impossible (the 1966 TV series)
Word Count: 16,384
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild language, violence, Holocaust allusions, disturbing images, minor character death
Spoilers: Allusions to late Season 6, but no major spoilers.
Notes: Sequel to Ring the Freedom Bell, though it's not necessary to read that story before this one. The setting is late 1969 (M:I Season 4). AU from "Let It Bleed" for SPN.

Summary: Gabriel knows that Jim's going to need special help on this mission and prompts him to call in the Winchesters. Friendships, alliances, and assumptions will be tested as the IMF team goes down the rabbit hole into an Illinois town home to Nazis and witchcraft, and hunters and spies alike will discover that on this case, almost no one is who--or what--he seems.

Story | Art

character:gabriel, genre:case!fic, rating:pg-13, genre:au (historical), character:originals, time travel

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