Title: Five Times Dean Tied Sam's Shoes
Written for:
sammycolt24Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 6,800
elveys_stuff Summary: Just what it says on the tin, five times throughout Sam's life Dean ended up tying his shoes. A mix of angst, humor and h/c.
Story Post /
Art Post A/N: Three cheers for another year of
spn_gen_bigbang (even if my bang wasn't quite so big this year...). A huge Thank You goes out to
sammycolt24 who did some amazingly gorgeous artwork. I am so impressed with her talent -- seriously, if you think those shoes are good, just wait til you get to the end -- and I believe she's new to the fandom, so everyone should go check out her page and leave her some love. Also, thanks to the mod for organizing this crazy thing, and to my truly wonderful beta
elveys_stuff, without whom my journal would probably be blank.