God Gave Rock and Roll to You

Sep 27, 2011 19:55

Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You

Author: SailorLaaLaa
Artist: adrenalineshots

Rating: PG
Warnings: If ye watch the show, then ye be warned.
Word Count: Somewhere around 16,296

Summary: This story takes place between episodes 6.14 (Mannequin 3: The Reckoning) and 6.15 (The French Mistake). I'm going with the theory that it has been a year and a half since the showdown at Stull Cemetery. Sam (with his soul recently returned) and Dean are doing miscellaneous hunts to keep busy. Castiel and Raphael are still fighting over Heaven with no clear victor in sight. But who is looking after the Prophets of the Lord and keeping them safe during this Heavenly Civil War? What of Chuck Shurley, the one Prophet Raphael was assigned to personally protect? Does he still drink regularly? Does he still have sleepovers with one of his lady friends each night? Since Raphael isn't paying attention, has Chuck been given the ability to protect himself from demons and other things which may cause him harm? Do Sam and Dean approve of these new safeguards? This fun and lighthearted story should answer those questions and provide additional revelations about our beloved author and prophet.

Story Master Post

Artwork Master Post

character:castiel, character:originals, rating:pg, genre:au (canon), season:6

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