A pair of fics: Minus the Pea // Recruitment

Feb 24, 2022 09:53

Title: Minus the Pea
Links: DW / LJ / AO3
Wordcount: 680
Characters: Sam and Dean
Notes: Written for the prompt "caterpillar, inadequate, marble"

It definitely says something about the state of Sam's life that this isn't the first time he's camped out inside a mausoleum. It's probably not even the tenth time he's done so. Sam lives a sad and weird life, though he tries not to think about it too much anymore--he's learned that lesson, at least. Just do the next thing and try not to dwell on how he got to where he is, scrunched in a sleeping bag next to Dean on a cold marvel floor, hoping that they calculated the cemetery guard's route correctly and he's not about to get a flashlight shone in his face.

Title: Recruitment
Links: DW / LJ / AO3
Wordcount: 760
Characters: Ruby
Notes: Written for the prompt "lost, eyes, useful"

Ruby keeps waiting, watching for that sliver of a chance for something to change.

character: dean winchester, rating: pg, rating: g, character: sam winchester, genre: fluff, genre: humor, genre: preseries, type: fic

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