Fic: All Dogs ...

Nov 21, 2020 14:44

Title: All Dogs ... (Coda for S15x20 Carry On)
Author: sandymg
Beta: borgmama1of5
Spoilers: Coda for for S15x20 Carry On
Wordcount: 985 - one-shot
Genre: Gen, coda
Characters: Miracle, Sam, Eileen, Dean
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters.
Author's Note: The Supernatural finale was not what I would have hoped for.  But this is NOT a fix-it fic. I envy all those who loved it. Perhaps in an alternate universe I would have felt satisfied. But the deaths in the real world had me craving life in my favorite fantasy world. Yet, Supernatural changed me over the years. And I was blessed with performances that could not have been more sublime -- down to the very end. But most importantly, I've made lifelong friends that I cherish. So thank you, Supernatural. Thank you SPNfamily. Here's my personal Swan Song. See you on the other side.

Summary: A dog's life. Coda for 15x20 Carry On

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type: fic, rating: g, genre: episode tag

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