Fic: In a Cursed Hour, ch. 4 - Secrets of Another World

Jan 01, 2019 10:42

Title: Evil That Walks Invisible, bk 1: In a Cursed Hour
Authors: zmediaoutlet (deadlybride), bratfarrar
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, a handful of OCs
Genre: AU - canon divergence, case fic (alternate version of "Skin"), angst
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 19,400 (for chapter)
Notes: Abaddon never destroyed the Men of Letters; Sam and Dean grew up in the bunker while John roamed the country in a secret quest to track down Mary's killer; Sam ran away from home to go on a roadtrip of his own and wound up in Boston with Jenn, his girlfriend; Dean went to him after John stopped checking in; Jenn, like Jess, dies in a mysterious fire. Sam's much the same as his canon self, but Dean, in an effort to please his father, has become a Men of Letters' Man of Letters, to the point of creating and giving himself secret tattoos with magical properties; he's also spent his entire life as a shut-in. So far they've successfully managed two ghosts (one in a graveyard, the other in a lake), Dean has learned to order off a menu without looking like a complete weirdo, and now they're headed back to the bunker to collect more supplies and give Dean a chance to set it up for a more extended absence.

Chapter 4: Secrets of Another World. Sam comes back to the bunker, and leaves, and leaves again.

character: dean winchester, genre: au, character: sam winchester, season: 1, rating: pg-13, genre: casefic, genre: angst, type: fic, character: omc

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