Slivers by tyrsibs

Sep 13, 2017 11:57

Title: Slivers
Author: tyrsibs
Characters: various demons
Genre: Gen
Rating: Gen
Word Count: ~2660
Spoilers: up to 12X12 "Stuck in the Middle (with You)"
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox, I'm just playing in it.
Summary: I have lived a long time, and had few visitors to my little farmhouse. Some are more welcome than others, but all of them want something from me. (My submission for this year's Summergen exchange on LJ-a little demon backstory for the prompt: "When Jess and Mary were killed, their stomachs were sliced open. What's the story there?" which took some weird turns!)

On my LJ

rating: pg, spn_summergen, genre: drama

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