From Yesterday, Post 14/20, PG-13, Dean, Sam, OCs, GEN

Jan 26, 2014 11:19

Title: From Yesterday, Part 2: Chapter 13
Fandom: Supernatural
Author: gaelicspirit
Characters: Dean, Sam, and OCs
Disclaimer: They're not mine. More's the pity. Title is from a 30 Seconds to Mars song of the same name. Rated very much PG-13 for language (mostly Dean) and a couple of mature scenes

Summary: See Prologue.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading and for your reviews - I look forward to your thoughts each time I post to see if the story I'm weaving is one you're interested in reading. You make this all worthwhile.

So, as far as posting, it's pretty much going to be an every two-week thing now for awhile. Real Life is getting a bit chaotic and I didn't stock up on enough completed chapters to stay ahead of it. I hope you'll stick around to see how this plays out. This is a longer chapter, but there are a lot of plot pieces that had to go on the board here before the action and angst could play out in the last seven chapters.

Hope you enjoy!

art by ThruTerrysEyes

character: dean winchester, hurt!dean, genre: au, character: sam winchester, hurt!sam, rating: pg-13, season: 5, genre: hurt/comfort

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