Fic: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Lib

Sep 23, 2013 21:40

Title: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Lib
Author: brightly_lit
Rating: PG-13 for non-graphic violence, death, a bit o' language
Genre: gen, humor, angst, casefic
Characters: Sam, Dean, OCs
Word Count: 7,848

Summary: This was for the spn_summergen fic exchange for tattooeddevil. Written for this prompt: "A spirit is haunting a high school, every prom night. Dean and Sam have to go undercover as supervisors to hunt the ghost. One of the high school kids takes a shine to either Sam or Dean and she's very, very insistent." VERY, VERY INSISTENT. Also, there are Mad Libs.

Dean was trying to be patient, but finally he let out a growl. “C’mon, Sammy, you aren’t even trying! These could be really funny if you just gave me some better words.”

“You mean some more suggestive words?”

“Well, yeah!”

“Fine. Bulging.”

character: dean winchester, character: sam winchester, spn_summergen, rating: pg-13, genre: humor, genre: casefic, genre: angst, type: fic

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