Title: Between Us Misfits
static_abyssCharacters: Dean, Sam, Castiel
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,226w
Spoilers: up to half of season 5
Disclaimer: Supernatural, its plot and characters are the sole property of Eric Kripke, the CW/WB production companies and all their associates. No copyright infringement intended. No money is being made from this fic.
Summary: Dean is well on his way to being spectacularly drunk, right in between a throbbing pulse on the side of his head and the world tilting. Sam looks relaxed which means he's plastered and Castiel, Castiel just looks like he usually does-stoic and alternating between distracted and impatient.
Dean doesn't know how else to say it, how to make him understand that after all this shit they've been through-angels and demons, the impending end of the world, the slap-in-your-face reality that God is real and unwilling to help-after all that, all he wants is to lay on the bed and bitch about the show.