Pest Control (1/1)

Aug 30, 2011 04:39

Title: Pest Control
Author: Bella Temple
Category: Crack, AU
Rating: light PG-13
Warnings: Crack. Light sexual content, cursing, and drug use. Loose interpretation of the American legal system. Bad pun animal names. Nontraditional structure.
Spoilers: Sort of vaguely through season 5.
Author's notes: This is really probably not what roque_clasique was thinking of when she gave me the following prompt: "Sam and Dean are not hunters, but exterminators. Literally, pest control. Like, fleas and stuff. Sometimes nests of raccoons in people's chimneys." But, well, sometimes you just gotta run with what you got.

Summary: Winchester and Sons Pest Control, established 1983. If it's got fur, feathers, or flies, we'll make it go bye-bye. Also if it has an exoskeleton or scales, but those aren't as alliterative. Dude, that's the worst slogan, ever. It was already the worst slogan ever, Dean. Yeah, well, at least it rhymed.

Squirrels: nature's ninjas

character: dean winchester, genre: crack, character: sam winchester, character: castiel, rating: pg-13, character: ruby, genre: humor, character: bobby singer

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