[Fic] Sesame Seeds - Sam, Dean, Ruby; hurt/comfort, fluf/angst, S4

Jun 15, 2011 12:44

Title: Sesame Seeds
Genre: gen, hurt/comfort (fever/nausea/exhaustion - Dean), angst/fluff/angsty fluff?
Characters: Sam, Dean, Ruby
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~3000
Notes: Takes place sometime after 4x10 "Heaven and Hell." Written for doylescordy's prompt at the hoodie_time Dean H/C comment meme (#5) (where you should all be right now!!), Sam can see how worn down Dean looks lately, and wants to do something for him. His solution is to give Dean one good homecooked meal - because all they ever eat is greasy diner food or gas station junk. He gets a motel room with a kitchenette so he can cook in it and slaves away all day to surprise Dean with the meal. [ originally posted here]

There's a mixture of sad frustration and contentment stewing at the back of his throat as he breathes in the scent. He's cooking, and Dean's on the floor, nursing a five hundred degree fever, and they're together, and there aren't any chairs, and this is as good as it gets.

character: ruby, rating: pg-13, character: dean winchester, genre: angst, character: sam winchester, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: fluff

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