I really enjoyed this, though enjoyment seems like the wrong response. But the boys seem very much in character and I can see Dean having made these kinds of arrangements, especially once he was on his own. The Gleek bit was a nice moment of almost-lightness, and I just LOVE the idea of trying to live life without owing or being owed; that is just perfectly Dean.
Gosh, geez, no...enjoyed is fine. Enjoyed is WONDERFUL. And I think there is a LOT Dean would have done when he was on his own, especially when he was TRULY alone, that would surprise the shit out of John and Sam both...which is kind of how this fic came to be in my head.
Thank you! Glad you're all bumpy and stunned. *g* I will be posting once a week...on Weds./Thursday - whichever it happens to be in your neck of the wooods when I get it up on the West Coast.
Argh!! A week? Eye wheep. This was fabulous. Perfect snark, perfect angst, perfect characterization and a kick-ass opening. It doesn't get much better than that. A week? Arrrrrgggh!!
Oh, no, sweetie...a week isn't THAT long. There will be things to do, laundry to fold, no? You'll have to eat and sleep and dream about Dean...and then it will be posting day again.
*coos and calms*
Besides, you can read it over and over and over again, if you like. I won't tell anyone. *g*
*giggles* Yes, Sammy. SHUSH YOUR FACE. But that's what I love about these two, you know?
So glad you are enjoying it. More to come, full of Dean-y angst and Sammy babble-mouthing and much that won't, but SHOULD, be said. You know; that whole Winchester thang. I love my boys.
Comments 24
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If you miss the next post, lemme know. I'll hook ya up, girl.
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They are definitely LIGHT and not dark, but if you want a chuckle, check 'em out. http://www.fanfiction.net/u/976370/
I'm glad you're liking it. Thanks for reading.
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I hope you'll come along for the ride...
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Oh, no, sweetie...a week isn't THAT long. There will be things to do, laundry to fold, no? You'll have to eat and sleep and dream about Dean...and then it will be posting day again.
*coos and calms*
Besides, you can read it over and over and over again, if you like. I won't tell anyone. *g*
Thanks. I'm very pleased you like it.
And for the love of all that is HOLY, Sam: SHUT THE HELL UP. ::facepalm::
That is incredibly gripping. VERY much looking forward to more!
So glad you are enjoying it. More to come, full of Dean-y angst and Sammy babble-mouthing and much that won't, but SHOULD, be said. You know; that whole Winchester thang. I love my boys.
Thanks. :D
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