Clarifying Some Rules

May 22, 2009 12:34

Hey, guys!

Do you remember when we put up that poll about having relationships in the fic? Well, now that we have some results, I can make a small clarification.

Before I get to it, though, I want to say that I don't really think it needs to be clarified. You guys are tremendous writers and have kept to the rules as far as I know. I don't get a chance to always check the comm, so if something feels off about a post, let me know before you try to take the matter into your own hands. I promise I will respond as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Now for the clarification:

I can promise you that this community has always been and will continue to be Wincest-free. It's the reason I created the comm, and will continue to be the reason this comm exists.

As for other romantic relationships (het and slash alike), they can appear in a story as background, but must never, never be the focus of the story. The only relationships that can be forefront are normal familial relationships (no incest at all, whatsoever, not even at a squint) and friendships. If you want to mention that Dean and Jo slept together, that's fine, but please don't include the scene where Dean and Jo sleep together. NC-17 details are definitely not a must.;)

If you have a story centered on a romantic relationship you'd love to tell, there are comms for that - sn_slash and spn_het are the two most notable.

Does this make sense? Is this okay with everyone? Like I said before, you guys have been great about sticking to gen, and I'm sure I don't need to be making this clarification.

But this way, we all know where the comm stands.:)

ETA: It was brought to my attention that I never addressed RPF. To be honest, I never thought about it. But as far as I'm concerned, if it meets the rules for the comm, I'm fine with it.

You may now return to your awesome fic. Rock on!


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