deancasbigbang fic: Songs of Love & Hate.

Oct 28, 2010 11:36

Title: Songs of Love and Hate, or: Alas! A Cornucopia of Love!
Author: amor_remanet
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural/Romantic comedy.
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Lisa/Becky(/Chuck), Barnes/Damien, Sam/Gabriel(/demon!Bela), Bobby/Crowley, Cupid/OMC angel.
Rating: R, overall; NC-17 for one chapter.
Word Count: ~54,000.
Warnings (if applicable): accepts 5.22 "Swan Song" as canon (spoiler free for s6), archangel!Cas, God/aspect-of-God!Chuck, language, angst, schmoop, Gabriel-flavored crack, fade-to-black m/m hurt/comfort sex, explicit m/m rough sex (including: bondage, knifeplay, wing!kink), non-canon angel- and demonology, some meta, some meta-crack, and Cupid flitting around, making everything crazy.

Artist: daggomus_prime
Art masterlist.

Summary: Castiel is up in Heaven, miserable and making life hard for the other angels. Sam is out of Hell and can't get Crowley and Bela to stop treating him like King of the Demons. Dean is down on Earth, miserable and making life hard for everyone else - especially for Lisa and Becky, who might just be pregnant with Jesus. Gabriel and Cupid decide to stick their noses in and set everybody right. Too bad they can't make plans to save their lives.

type: fic, kink: wing!fic, kink: bondage, genre: angst, type: art, rating: nc-17, pairing: sam/gabriel, genre: humor/crack, genre: romance, kink: hurt/comfort, genre: fluff, kink: religious themes, genre: au/ar, warning: torture, kink: bdsm, pairing: dean/castiel, rating: r

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