New fic!

Jul 15, 2010 14:24

Title: Belonging
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Fallen!Gabriel/Fallen!Castiel/Sam!Lucifer
Rating: Mature
Warning: Schmoop, fluff, possession, kissing, wing!porn, handjob
Summary: Castiel gets a present.
Disclaimer: Not mine they belong to Kripke et al.
Notes: Part of my endeavor into kink_bingo for my collar prompt. Set in my Hell is a Corporation (and runs on Apple) universe same as: I Will Not Bow" and Agape. Also toestastegood's birthday present! Enjoy!

“What is it?” Castiel asked, looking to the box that was placed onto his desk by Lucifer.

“A present.”

Castiel’s eyes returned to the wrapped box and he poked it once for good measure before returning his eyes to Lucifer and then looked to Gabriel, who was watching him with a leer, before looking back at the box. “What for?”

“Today is your second anniversary of Falling. We wanted to commemorate it,” Lucifer explained slowly, pulling over a chair and sitting in it. He frowned when Gabriel sat in his lap but didn’t move him. “We can take it back if you wish.”

Castiel shook his head and began unwrapping the box, making sure not to rip the gaudy, metallic red and shiny wrapping paper. He lifted out the long, rectangular box when the paper had fallen away and lifted the lid. Castiel tilted his head to the side and studied the contents of the long, black velvet box, his expression unreadable.

“Do you like it?” Gabriel asked, leaning against Castiel’s oak desk.

“I am... unsure of its purpose.”

Gabriel stood when he was lightly pushed by Lucifer and watched as Lucifer stood, stretching out his impressive body, and rounded the desk to Castiel’s side. “It’s a collar.”

“Yes. I know what it is. I am unsure as to why you have given it to me.”

“It’s...” Lucifer paused, searching for the right words. “It’s a mark of ownership. It signifies that you belong to Gabriel and I and we, in turn, belong to you.”

“But neither of you have collars.”

“We have the rings you gave to us.”

Castiel nodded. “Wearing this does not make me less of an equal?”

Lucifer firmly shook his head. “Never.”

Castiel nodded and lifted the box up to Lucifer’s hands. “You may put it on me.”

Gabriel gave a slow, unsteady exhale as Lucifer lifted the thin piece of leather, it was rather plain, but the inner most side that would touch Castiel’s neck was lined with satin to prevent friction burn. It was black, and smelled like old leather, it had two studs of metal on either side of a ring, and a buckle to fasten the back.

Castiel bowed his head as Lucifer affixed the collar about his neck before lifting his head and adjusting it with his fingers. “Do I look presentable?”

Lucifer smiled, the look dangerous and alluring on what was once Sam Winchester’s face, and stroked down the side of Castiel’s cheek with the back of his hand. “You look beautiful.”

Lucifer leaned over the desk and captured Castiel’s mouth with his own in a long, but chaste kiss, when he pulled away he smiled as Gabriel guided Castiel’s face up to his own. Lucifer purred quietly as he watched his two younger brothers kiss. His eyes drew down to the collar as they separated and he traced a line over the seam where leather met flesh, and then drew his thumb over the stud embossed with his sigil.

As Gabriel drew away, his fingers too, traced along the sigil before he forced himself to sit back and drop his hands. He examined Castiel with a soft smile, his eyes dark with possessive lust as he watched the youngest angel. “Lucifer is right, you do look beautiful.”

“You enjoy me wearing this, don’t you?”

Lucifer nodded, hooking his index finger in the ring and tugging playfully. “Indeed.”

Castiel rose up, sliding gracefully onto his desk between the two older angels and resting his head on Lucifer’s shoulder while he pulled Gabriel against him. Wrapped between the two of them, safe, secure and theirs Castiel smiled.

Gabriel turned his mouth against Castiel’s neck, tongue journeying against the seam of the collar as he bit at the flesh, making a quiet noise of want. Castiel gasped, his head falling back to give Gabriel more room to play. Gabriel drew away and shared a look with Lucifer, who nodded softly, mouth seeking out Castiel’s while Gabriel unbuckled Castiel’s belt and worked his pants and underwear down, hand delving inside to wrap around Castiel’s slowly stirring erection and begin stroking.

Castiel jerked, mouth pulling away from Lucifer’s as he shuddered, saliva slicked mouth parted in pleasure. He tucked his head against Lucifer’s neck and Lucifer curled hand into Castiel’s hair, kissing the top of his head before snapping his fingers and making Castiel’s shirt fall away into nothing. His free hand journeyed down Castiel’s neck and over his shoulders, pressing between them, palm flat and flexing. Castiel shook hard and made a high noise of pleasure that bordered on pain.

“Shh, little brother,” Lucifer soothed, “we’re going to take good care of you.”

Lucifer’s nails raked down Castiel’s shoulder blades, hard enough to leave pink trails in their wake, and he smiled delightedly at the pleading, wrecked noise Castiel made as he shuddered and his hips canted. He nudged Castiel’s head up with a shrug of his shoulder and pressed their foreheads together, mouths fusing in a needy, begging kiss.

Lucifer’s hand fell from Castiel’s hair to his back, moving tortuously slow up and down his spine while his other hand still flexed along the place where Castiel’s wings belonged. Castiel whined, his head turning as he groped at Gabriel, who was still firmly attached to his neck and kissed him.

“Are you close, little brother?”

Castiel pulled his mouth from Gabriel with a wet suck and nodded, one hand clutched to either of his brother’s legs as he trembled and broke between them. It was only Lucifer’s teasing, frigid hands that kept him upright. With a low mewl, Castiel bucked his hips twice and came, trembling as he fell into Lucifer’s arms, which wrapped around his form in a strong, secure embrace. Gabriel withdrew his hand and sucked two fingers into his mouth cleaning them before stretching his hand out to Lucifer, who took hold of his wrist and cleaned his hand with sure, quick flicks of his tongue. Gabriel snapped when he hand was clean and Castiel’s clothing slid over his flesh like water, like nothing had ever happened.

“What about you two?”

Lucifer shook his head, mouth pressed against Castiel’s forehead. “Today is for you. Your pleasure, proving our love for you.”

Castiel smiled lazily and hooked one of his legs round Gabriel’s while he locked fingers with Lucifer’s. They fit together like pieces of a puzzle. He was theirs, completely and utterly. And they were his.

pairing: gabriel/lucifer, rating: nc-17, kink: collar fic, genre: fluff, genre: romance, kink: collars, type: fic, character: gabriel, pairing: castiel/gabriel, genre: au/ar, kink: wing!fic, warning: angel incest, genre: smut, rating: pg-13, type: kink

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