Ficlet/Drabble (Sam/Gabe): What He Could Give

Jun 25, 2010 20:58

I think this might actually be considered kid!fic, it's definitely the closest thing I've ever written to kid!fic. And the worst part, it's not even on a bingo line I can complete, the idea just sprung up and kinda took hold and wouldn't let go. *head desk* I blame Gabe.

Title: What He Could Give
Author: heavenlyxbodies
Pairing: Sam/Gabe
Rating: G
Spoilers: let’s just call it S5 and be done with it, yeah
Feedback: Makes me happy, just play nice
Disclaimer(s) can be found here
Warnings/Squicks: uhhh, schmoop and the closest thing I’ll ever get to kid!fic
Summary: Dean's getting used to waking up to giggles

AN: Written for schmoop_bingo, de-aged (physical)
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