Fic: The Necessary Steps, 4/?, by Lara, NC17, Sam/Gabriel

May 22, 2010 18:17

Title: The Necessary Steps, Chapter 4
Author: Lara
Rating: NC17
Genre and/or Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Spoilers: through 5.14 though no real references to anything in the eps outside of Gabriel's identity and I won't be incorporating any of post 5.14 canon.
Warnings: smut in this chapter, please read the warnings for each one as some will include BDSM and the like
Disclaimer: Not mine, they belong to Kripke and the CW and probably lots of other people.
Word Count: 3353
Summary: Gabriel's joined Team Free Will and he's come up with a way that will, hopefully, prevent Lucifer from taking Sam, who's closer and closer to saying 'yes'. It involves a lot of steps.
Author's Notes: Previous chapter. Wow, less than a week since I posted it, again! Also, this isn't quite happy. It's not as dark as I originally planned, but the relationship is a very slow build even as the steps speed up. Also, I've already begun the next chapter, go me!

Three days pass. They took out a vampire nest in the Wisconsin dells and have stopped at a motel on I-44 outside of Springfield, Missouri, on their way to a ghoul infestation in Little Rock. When Sam enters the motel room he spies a gift wrapped box with a large blue bow sitting on the far bed, and his heart stutters in anticipation.

It's been a hard couple of nights. Castiel tried his best, but Lucifer's gotten through long enough to express his displeasure at the wards he's encountered. At least he assumed they were put there by Sam himself, so Gabriel's presence remains hidden.

Still, Sam hasn't slept much and that's made Dean more and more grouchy with worry. An hour before, Sam dozed off in the car and when Lucifer came and Castiel pulled him out, he nearly punched a hole in the ceiling on awakening.

Aware that Castiel's eyes have zoomed in on the package, Sam picks it up and tugs at the bow. The wrapping and box turn to colored confetti and a key drops into his hand.

"Showy bastard," Dean grumbles with an accompanying eye roll.

Smiling, Sam clutches the key and grabs his duffle bag. "I'll be in 214."

"We're out of here at dawn."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be ready," he says to his brother's back as he leaves the room and quickly walks down the covered walk to a room near the end. They key opens the door and Gabriel is waiting for him. A flick of a finger closes the door behind him and he hears the lock turn, then he looks more closely at the archangel who is regarding him with a strange solemnity. He looks...tired. "You okay, Gabriel?"

"Been a hard few days. It shows on you, too."

Dropping the bag and shrugging out of his jacket, Sam nods and scratches the back of his neck. "I'm okay. Did you find something?"

Gabriel nods briefly then gestures to the table where there's a stack of old books and a very new and pretty laptop. It's hot pink and decorated with mountains of gumdrops. As he plops down into one of the chairs, Sam nearly laughs at how perfect the computer fits his companion.

Clicking the mouse, Gabriel turns the computer to face Sam. There's a spell written out. He can only make out a few words but they make him blanch and all amusement is gone. His breath hitches for a moment, but then he forces himself to relax.

He knew this was coming.

"What does it do?"

"It's another layer of wards. A much stronger one. A much more intricate one. And the last one we can use. Once these fail, we have to move to something else. It should last for a couple of weeks, though."

"The ritual, it calls for..." Glancing up over the screen, Sam swallows hard at the intense look on Gabriel's face.

"It's powered by the release of energy created from the loss of virginity. I've had to modify it since you don't have a hymen, but it will still work."


"I have to ask, have you ever had anything up there? Any girlfriends who've used toys on you, pegged you?"

Sam flushes but shakes his head.


Another shake of his head. "Except for cavity searches."

Gabriel's expression softens slightly. "The intent is different. It won't matter. That's good. I had a work around prepared but it was going to make it even more complicated. On the other hand, you're totally new to the experience sexually and my dick is a lot bigger than a prison guard's finger."

Sam blows out a breath. "I knew it was only a matter of time. I've been doing some reading."

"Of course you have." Grinning for a moment, Gabriel reaches out and places two fingers over Sam's wrist. "Scared, kiddo?"

"Nervous." He jerks his hand away and glances back at the spell. "What do I have to do?"

"It's sex magic, but not tantric. No elaborate poses held for hours. You aren't ready for that. The ritual calls for a dominant and a submissive. You can't fight me, Sam, no matter how much it hurts, and, kiddo, it's going to hurt." He shrugs slightly and frowns. "The first breaching has to be quick to ignite the spark. After that, we can go slower, make it better, but I don't think you're going to like this very much."

"I don't like Lucifer mucking around in my dreams, I'll deal," Sam replies shortly, then rises to his feet. "Can we do this now?"

Gabriel sighs and joins him on his feet, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets. "Okay. I have to lay a circle, draw some runes, get the altar--the bed--ready. I want you to go into the bathroom. Shower, if you want, and get yourself hard."


"It'll be easier. You don't have to come, but, trust me, it'll be easier if you're aroused. We can't...Shit," he grumbles. "If we prepare you with fingers and lube, we have to go the more complicated route. It'll take hours. I don't think you can take it for hours."

Sam feels an instance of light-headedness. All his research talked about the need for a lot of lube and stretching.

This really is going to hurt.

Slowly, he shakes off the dizziness, the doubt, and tightens his lips. "I want it over with."

Gabriel nods in unhappy acceptance. "I'll use as much lube on myself as possible. It won't be dry."

"...Okay. I'm..." Sam gestures helplessly at the bathroom, then grabs his duffle and locks himself in the smaller room.

"Shit, shit, shit."

Gabriel wants to throw a major tantrum, wants to let loose his grace and destroy the building. He wants Sam, has always wanted him, but not like this. Finding the spell on the first day, he spent the next two desperately trying to find a way around the lack of preparation. The spell is meant for a female and females have natural lubricant and a vagina simply isn't as tight as a rectum. The work around is tricky, though--he didn't lie about that--and he's not sure it'll work or that Sam can last through it.

The initial penetration is what counts. After that, after the energy is released from Sam, the sex itself can proceed any way they want it.

It'll probably be best to get it over with as fast as possible.


In the bathroom, Sam tries not to think, simply scrubs his body clean, dries his hair, brushes his teeth, avoids looking in the mirror until he has to shave the five o'clock shadow. His eyes are...sad.

He's been preparing for this since that first night, mentally building himself up to accept this, but, faced with the reality, he's...sad that this isn't really something he wants. He's nervous. Worried. Even a bit scared.

And really not turned on.

That first night, Gabriel said he didn't need to enjoy it, but it's become obvious that the archangel prefers that he not only enjoy it, but want it. Blowjobs are easy. Girls have done that to him. Even returning the favor was more an interesting learning experience than an unwelcome chore. It tasted a bit weird but he's always liked going down on women and it's not really that different.

This, though. This is really different. He knows all about the prostate and why gay men like being penetrated. Between the fullness, the dominance of one partner taking another--even if they don't think of it in those terms--and the stroking of the prostate, there's physical pleasure possible.

But, in his research he read enough factual accounts to know that the first time, often the first several, isn't very pleasurable. There's pain, even some tearing sometimes. The fullness can take a while to get used to, and sometimes the one doing the penetrating misses the prostate. And preparation is essential, even for men who've had lovers for years. Most importantly, these accounts were from gay men, men who were attracted to their partners.

He's just...not.

And Sam knows he's not a submissive. Despite the fact that he's always liked women on top, that was mostly due to the fact he's so big and felt like he was smothering them. He's either always been in control, or it's been shared.

Surrendering that control to another man, let alone an archangel...that's going to be hard.

Wiping his clean-shaven face dry, he sets down the towel and glances down his nude body.



Making a face, he wraps one hand around his flaccid cock and braces the other on the counter. As he pumps his fist, he calls up images of pretty, sexy, naked women--no one in particular, that's never worked--and he gets hard, but he feels very little desire.

He pointedly doesn't think about Gabriel until he leaves the bathroom and finds the archangel standing next to the bed, coating his own erection with K-Y. Sam quickly looks away and notes the chalk drawn circle around the bed, decorated with various sigils and runes. The bed is stripped to the mattress and on it is drawn another circle, this one in what looks like ashes, and he can smell the lingering scent of burned herbs.

The lights are low and there are mounds of stones, herbs and other things at each of the cardinal points of the circle. As the room isn't quite on a directional axis, the northern point isn't the middle of the headboard but the floor where a night stand had stood.

Despite it being a bed, it looks like a sacrificial altar, and Sam feels his erection start to flag. Gabriel comes to him and wraps his hand around it, pumping it with quick strokes.

"Keep that up. It'll help."

Biting his lower lip, Sam nods, and takes a steadying breath. "Where do you want me?"

Pointing to the pile where the night stand stood, Gabriel replies, "You need to face that way, North, in the middle of the circle on the bed. Don't disturb the pattern and get on your hands and knees."

Sam's surprised. "Not on my back?"

"No, that's not necessary, and it'll be easier this way."

Sam holds back the retort that there's nothing easy about this, and obeys the directions. He finds his arms are trembling and he frowns at that and tries to steady them. The bed dips quickly. Gabriel's not making him wait, at least. He feels knees brush his outer thighs and then the archangel's hard cock presses against his hip.

Gasping softly, Sam again feels himself softening, and reaches down to caress himself, which means lowering himself to his other elbow, his cheek coming to rest on the mattress. There's a gentle caress over his lower back and he hears Gabriel murmur, "Good", then the chanting begins. The scholar in him tries to decipher the words. It's a method of distraction, of forcing him to even his breathing and not think about what's coming.

It's only partially successful.

A finger brushes over his entrance, and he automatically flinches. Gabriel's other hand grabs his hip, holding him still, and the chanting continues, growing in volume and intensity.

Closing his eyes, Sam can feel the power building in the room and isn't surprised when the bulb in the lamp closest to them bursts. As it does so, Gabriel's voice cuts off and the hand on his hip tightens almost painfully.

Then he feels the head of the cock push against his hole, push hard and fast. It's slippery but the muscle resists for a long moment. Discomfort swiftly becomes pain and Sam bites his lip to keep in a cry, but as Gabriel breaches the resistance and drives to his balls in one hard thrust, Sam can't hold it in, and yells. The pain is blinding. One sharp instance that turns to a hard burn and a throb that rolls through his whole body. He doesn't even hear Gabriel finish the spell, doesn't feel the power bursts from him, shatters the remaining lights, knocks pictures off the walls, and rattles the windows.

It hurts, hurts, hurts! His erection wasn't enough to make him truly aroused and the pain wipes out all chance of any pleasure. It fucking hurts, like he's being stabbed in the gut, and he knows it has to be like this, but, oh God, he wishes for anything else.

As the power settles for the moment, waiting for the completion of the spell, Gabriel stills, buried in quivering, flinching flesh. Opening his eyes, he sees Sam shaking, propped on elbows that are barely holding him up, and he can hear the whimpers he's sure the kid doesn't know he's making. A quick check and he feels the soft flesh between his shaking legs.

Remorse floods him and he strokes one hand along Sam's back and flank as he asks, "Sam?" He's not surprised when he gets no response, so he tries again, a bit louder.


The sob in his voice makes Gabriel want to pull out and heal him, but he can't do either. The sex magic has to be released through his own orgasm inside the sacrifice, and Sam has to feel the possession until he heals without supernatural intervention.

Another part of the spell he spent hours trying to work around.

"I have to finish," he explains softly. "I can do this fast or I can try to make it feel better for you."

"Fast," Sam bites out. "Just get it over with."

Smelling the tears leaking out of Sam's eyes, feeling the torn muscles quivering around his cock, Gabriel gives one hard nod and, determinedly pulls himself back. Sam cries out again, a broken sound, and Gabriel feels it reel through him, making his heart clench in his chest. Taking a deep breath, he pushes back in, and forces himself to thrust at a quick, painful pace.

While Sam was in the bathroom, he'd purposefully brought himself not only to arousal but nearly to completion, and it only takes a few minutes and a dozen or so thrusts and his orgasm hits.

As he comes, the power spills out of him, mingling with the magic in the room, and slams into Sam, who howls in pain and relief, and falls as his elbows give out.

Carefully pulling free, Gabriel winces at the dots of blood on his softening cock, then urges the young man down to his stomach. As Sam continues to shake, he strokes him again, trying to soothe him. The magic begins to settle and Sam slowly calms until he quiets completely and the tension eases from his tight muscles.

With a thought the room is set to right, the circles gone, and the bed made again.

When he feels the pillow beneath his cheek, Sam opens his eyes, blinking away the remaining tears, and slowly turns his head to face Gabriel, who's moved to reclining at his side, though his hand continues to caress him.

"I've been shot, stabbed, had to sew myself up, died," Sam says, his voice hoarse and filled with pain. "Those were nothing."

So, this is guilt, Gabriel thinks in annoyance, but he keeps stroking, moving his fingers up to Sam's head, running his fingers through his tangled hair. "It gets better."

"Yeah," Sam breathes, closing his eyes again. "I hope so." His voice is an odd combination of wistful resignation and hopeful doubt, and Gabriel hates how it makes him feel.

"I told you it would hurt." His hand stills

"Gabriel, I'm not blaming you," he replies, eyes opening again to seek out the archangel's. "It sucked, okay. I think I have the right to bitch about how much it hurts."

Gabriel feels the smirk forming and tries to force it down. "Okay, Sammy. Want me to blow you to make it feel better?"


"Not a question, sport. You need to catch on to that," he teases, then turns Sam carefully onto his side, his gentle, slow movements belying the lascivious look on his face and the lust in his voice.

"It hurts to move," Sam complains with a groan as his ass throbs with burning pain when Gabriel shifts him.

As he slides down the bed, he grabs Sam's leg and pulls it over his shoulder, holding it there. "Then don't move. Let me do all the work." He nuzzles into Sam's crotch and licks up and down the limp shaft.

"I don't think this is going to work," Sam groans softly as all he feels is pain.

The spell won't let Gabriel remove the pain but it said nothing about adding pleasure to the mix, and a subtle mental tickle of the kid's pleasure centers, and he's hardening beneath his tongue. He can tell how tired Sam is and the pain is making the exhaustion worse, so he doesn't try to draw this out. He sucks quickly, using his lips and tongue on all the most sensitive spots and it's only a few minutes before the leg against his neck tenses. As he bobs his head, his fingers slide down the shaft and he fondles Sam's balls, feeling them tighten and tremble. One more deep suck that takes him to the edge of his throat, and Sam is yelling from something other than pain.

Pulling back, Gabriel gives the tip of his cock one final lick, then swallows and scoots back up the bed.

Sam's panting, his face flushed, but he's relaxed as well, some of the pain gone from his expression.


"A little," he murmurs, wrapping one arm around the pillow and burying his face in it.

Gabriel grins, then slips from the bed. When Sam mutters something along the lines of 'where you going?', he responds quietly, "To get a cloth to clean you up."

"You can't just snap me clean?" he asks in the middle of a yawn.

"I could, but I want to see how badly you're hurt." Oh, good, there's the guilt again. Gabriel frowns at Sam's back in annoyance, then heads into the bathroom. When he returns, Sam's back on his stomach, taking up most of the bed. Careful not to jar him, he straddles his knees then leans forward to examine him.

"Embarrassing," Sam mumbles.

Gabriel snorts, "Think of me as Dr. Gabriel," and very gently slips a finger into the red and swollen, semen-smeared hole. It comes out blood-free and he pats Sam's ass. "If anything tore, it's not bad."


"Yeah." Something hits him and his brow furrows. "Why aren't you asking me to heal you?"

"Translated that much of the explanation around the spell. That sucks, by the way."

Thrilled to see that Sam's natural attitude hasn't been pummeled into submission, Gabriel smiles as he gently cleans the area and applies some antibiotic and painkilling cream.

"Are you going to stick your fingers in my ass a lot?"

Laughing at the bitching, Gabriel leans down and plants a smacking kiss on one ass cheek. "Probably. I'm looking forward to your reaction to me tickling your prostate." He watches as Sam's upturned cheek turns red, then tosses aside the tubes of cream and the cloth and crawls up beside him. Sam's eyes are open, slightly wary, but not scared, and Gabriel leans forward and kisses him, before whispering, "And wait till you get to fuck me, kiddo. You're really going to like that." As Sam's eyes widen in surprise, he chuckles. "A lot of the magic may demand you be the submissive partner, but I like to switch, Sammy, and we're going to be doing this more than just to raise power."

" it?"

Sympathy crosses Gabriel's face and he kisses him again, a soft, sweet kiss. "Yeah, and I hope some day you do, too. Now, go to sleep." A gentle sweep of his fingers through Sam's hair and a quick mental suggestion, and the young man is drifting off. "Nightmare free, I promise."

End Chapter 4

pairing: sam/gabriel, rating: nc-17, warning: dub-con, kink: sex magic, kink: bdsm

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