part 3

Apr 09, 2010 19:39

Title: Running Up That Hill
Chapter: 3/3
Pairing: Lucifer/Gabriel, Sam/Gabriel, Lucifer!Sam/Gabriel
Rating: NC-17-ish
Warning: Angst, blasphemy, angel-cest, mansex, religious overtones
Summary: Before the Fall Gabriel and Lucifer were happy, after a long period of deliberation and waiting, Gabriel finally picks a side.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing
Notes: Title comes from this song, which is the main inspiration and theme behind this story. This story is dedicated to entangled_now for being my inspiration in writing just about anything when it comes to angels.
Previous Chapters: 1 and 2

...and the lower regions and the perdition therein, the Abyss and its torments. I saw there the sea and its islands, and its monsters and its fishes, and Leviathan and his dominion, and his camping-ground, and his caves, and the world which lay upon him, and his movements, and the destructions of the world on his account. I saw there streams and the rising of their waters, and their windings. And I saw there the Garden of Eden and its fruits, the source of the stream issuing from it, and its trees and their bloom, and those who behaved righteously. ~ The Apocalypse of Abraham (Chapter XXI.).

Gabriel had felt it, hot and quick, searing like a stab through his whole essence when Lucifer tore free of his old vessel and settled into the new. He was off in an instant, appearing where the power had settled, the hotel. He took in the familiar form of Sam Winchester resting against the glass, his body shifted this way and that, muscles rippling under flesh, adjusting and settling. Then he turned, his eyes settled onto Gabriel, a mixture of angel and demi-god stitched together and bleeding open power under the watchful eyes of the Morningstar. Sam's lips that weren't his quirked, quirked in a way that was so not Sam and was so very Lucifer.


They circled each other, weary and curious, eyes ever watchful.

"You've changed," Lucifer breathed, the warm liquid of his voice soothing over Gabriel's frayed nerves like chocolate. "Not quite the innocent, wide-eyed archangel I met in a meadow. Still..." Lucifer's eyes flicked up and down Gabriel's form. "I like it."

"I adapted," Gabriel countered, hot and defensive. He settled when Lucifer continued and tilted his head back slightly in amusement and weary comfort. "You're different too. Taller..."

Lucifer grinned, a flash of white in the almost too dark room. "Yes, well, you should have seen my make shift vessel. In the end he wasn't holding up too well."

"Only you would make morbid jokes."

"Flattery, dear heart, it suits you well."

They stopped circling and Gabriel noticed just then, that Lucifer was barefoot, his toes curled into the plush of the cheap carpet. They weren't far apart, not much more than arm's length, and in the back of his mind, Gabriel barely registered that neither Dean nor Castiel was busting down the door. He took his time in approaching Lucifer, tiny footsteps until he was close enough he could breathe in the remnants of Sam's cologne and the shampoo he had used that morning. Remnants which smelled slightly burnt, just a little, not enough that anyone would really notice. There was no scent of sulphur or smoke, just ozone, cologne and synthetic oranges.

Lucifer looked down at him, his hands smoothing over Gabriel's shoulders and down his spine, electric and too long missed. It was odd, trying to get close in spatially confined forms, touching was good, but it wasn't enough. Gabriel reached up, a hand tracing along the defined cheekbones and sculpted nose that were Lucifer's alone now; exploring a body he knew all too well but not at all. His fingers curled into the hair at the base of Lucifer's neck and he pulled him down, nuzzling and remembering.

"Little brother..."

Gabriel pressed his fingers to Lucifer's mouth, silencing him. "Just kiss me."

Lucifer gave no verbal reply but quirked his brow in question, clearly not understanding the term. At that, Gabriel had to grin, kissing was a human word, it had no semblance of meaning with angels. With angels it was all wings and Grace and energy. He pressed his mouth, hungry and needy, to Lucifer's. Lucifer's hands curled at the base of his spine and pulled him closer. Gabriel inhaled sharply at the kiss that was so different from what he remembered, but so comforting. He melted into the embrace as familiar but tattered Grace he had gone so long without surrounded him.


Gabriel lay curled against Lucifer, eyes barely open, as they fitted together on an opulent high backed creme coloured chaise lounge. It was in a rather well to do condo in New York city, because of course, being the brightest meant that the Morningstar needed the best. The ache that had filled him since the Fall was slowly being soothed away as Lucifer stroked down his bare back and side and kissed over the slope of his shoulder. Nothing mattered but them and this. If God had cared so much about his children he would have let Gabriel join Lucifer eons ago instead of being a distant, useless fuck.

"I have a present for you."

Gabriel cracked an eye open, tipping his head back to look at the serene, thoughtful face of Lucifer. "Is it chocolate?"

"I don't know why you're so obsessed with that confection."

"Being a Trickster has its vices."

Lucifer peered down at Gabriel and pressed a few open mouthed kisses along his jaw and neck. "You know how I feel about those."

Gabriel shivered. "I'm guessing you feel approving."

"Very." Lucifer scraped his teeth over Gabriel's jaw a minute before pulling back. "No. It isn't chocolate."

"I swear if it's a puppy I'm going to have to rethink this relationship."

Lucifer extended his hands out, a box appearing, cupped gently in them. Gabriel twisted a little, reaching out to take the box and looking at Lucifer in question.

"Open it."

Lifting the lid, Gabriel blinked at the black titanium band with the pink sapphire in the band. He looked back to Lucifer. "You bought me a ring?"

"Well... Customs dictate that's what one human does to show his claim on a potential mate."

"Well, yes... but..."

"I want every human to know that you're mine."

Gabriel watched as Lucifer extracted the ring from he box and took his left hand, sliding it effortlessly onto his ring finger. Gabriel curled his hand, examining the ring. "You're a big romantic, aren't you?"

"I suppose. You do deserve it. You've been loyal to me for so long."

"Damn right."

Lucifer pressed a kiss to Gabriel's mouth, pulling back a moment to study him before kissing him deeply and climbing on top of him possessively.


Gabriel broke the kiss and hung his head back to look at the red headed woman who had just appeared in the room. She was pretty, maybe 23, her quick exclamation had an Irish intonation and she had fair skin, green eyes and of course ginger red hair. Dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a white tanktop with a bright red bra underneath.

"You're naked," she observed, looking them both over. Her gaze settled on Lucifer. "Naked. In a new vessel and shaggin' a Trickster."

"You ought to watch your tongue, Azrael."

"Mmm." Gabriel slid up, snapping his fingers to drape a sheet over them, not that he was modest, just that he'd rather not have his flede see him naked. "Last time I saw you it was a blue haired punk rocker. 1987." Gabriel's eyes slid back to Lucifer a moment, a smirk appearing on his lips. "Remember when he used to be quiet? Back before we taught him how to speak?"

"I remember. You used to sit at my feet then."

"Picky picky," Gabriel chided, stretching upward, yawning. "Forgive me if I don't fall back into angelic mating ritual and etiquette right away, I was, after all, a Trickster for a few millennia."

Azrael looked between them a moment, her mouth curling at the familiar, much missed banter. "Nice to see you too, Gabriel."

Gabriel grinned and splayed, then wiggled his fingers. "D'you mind? We were going to..."

"Sorry to interrupt the fuck fest," Azrael drawled, examining her nails. "But I guess you were too wrapped up in one another to notice that Mikhael's taken a vessel."

Gabriel's smile withered.



"You know..." Gabriel started, dipping his fingers in the lamb's blood to continue writing the sigils. "I don't understand why Sam said yes to you."

"He loved you but he knew he could never make you happy."

Gabriel paused a moment to look back at Lucifer, who was rather drenched in the blood, it was kind of erotic actually, if he had to admit it. "Is he still inside you?"

Lucifer shook his head sharply. "I burned him right out."

Gabriel nodded, it was better that way, he supposed. He knew he had added protection from Mikhael since he had formed his own hiding structure within a Trickster, and was, if need be, capable to use all the resources he had. Lucifer still had the markings on Sam's ribs, and opted to give Gabriel the same, but Gabriel figured with combined Enochian warding magic, Babylonian sealing spells, and their protections, they were pretty well off.

"Done." Gabriel stepped back from the last glyph and drew a bloody arm over his forehead to wipe his hair back. Great. Now he was covered in it.

"Good." Lucifer examined his own handiwork before nodding, the lingering blood drying on his body.

"Should we shower?"

"I suppose we could, I'm rather shocked the Trickster in you isn't aroused by all this innocent blood."

"It is, I'm trying to suppress it."

Lucifer crossed the room, a sticky hand wrapping around one of Gabriel's wrists and pulling him against his body. Gabriel inhaled sharply, his eyes flicking to the blood over Lucifer's body, Lucifer's blood... Lucifer rose two, still dripping fingers to his lips, smearing the precious liquid. His eyes burned into Gabriel's, his mouth quirked in interest as Gabriel's pupils blew wide, pleasure coming off of him in waves.

"Open, baby brother."

Gabriel parted his lips and sucked the digits in, the taste exploded over his tongue and he moaned around his mouthful, pressing against Lucifer. Lucifer slid his fingers from Gabriel's mouth and trailed them down his neck before licking up the mess and claiming Gabriel's mouth. Gabriel whined and let himself be lead towards the couch. He gasped when he was shoved down, Lucifer straddling him. Gabriel tilted his head back, his mouth wet and open, he made a greedy noise in the back of his throat and reached for Lucifer. Lucifer hushed him, stroking over his cheek, his fingers smoothed down Gabriel's shoulders and arms before he gripped tight and let everything in him loose.

Gabriel's eyes widened, the smell of electricity flying through the air, smoke and sulphur, ozone and a wild, raw, smell. Red and black and white. It flew before him before his eyes rolled back and he let everything in his body go. He gave himself wholly to his brother and let himself Fall.


It was a calm day when Mikhael found them. Squaring off in traditional mated fighting stance against him - Gabriel to Lucifer's right, slightly behind him. Mikhael in what was once Dean Winchester with Castiel standing off behind him to his right and behind him as well. It had made Lucifer smile, that Mikhael had accepted the once mating between Castiel and Dean, or perhaps it was because he wanted them on even ground.

"You are a fool, Gabriel, siding with this bastard child."

"He was equal with you, Mikhael, if I recall."

Mikhael frowned, his fists clenched. The faithful son who could never accept his awkward, loner brother. "Your union was laughable, disgusting."

"If this is why you summoned me here, Mikhael, I'll be leaving. I have no time to hear your mindless yammering. I have Australia to corrupt."

"I'm curious..." Gabriel breathed, looking at Mikhael. "Why were you always so angry at us?"

"You two never deserved what Father gave you. You took it all and wanted more. Greedy, mewling children."

Lucifer tilted his head, shifting his weight just slightly, intrigued. "Is that jealousy I hear, Mikhael?"

"I cannot feel jealousy."

Gabriel smirked and stepped forward, breaking the stalemate. "Sure you can! What? You think you're too good for a petty emotion like jealousy? Even God is jealous!"

Mikhael's mouth twisted unpleasantly, uncomfortable with the accusation that he was trying to better himself, even over their Father. "Perhaps I was jealous."

"Over what? Our union? Our fledgling?" Lucifer questioned, far too curious for his own good.

"Gabriel," Mikhael breathed, his fists clenched so tight blood dripped through his fingers.


"You had all of the Morningstar's attention. You had his loyalty, his fledge..."

"I offered for you to join me, Mikhael."

"I would never rebel against Father! I am not a corrupted, disgusting thing like you! The both of you!"

Gabriel sneered at Mikhael, breaking from behind Lucifer and taking Mikhael down, clamping around his waist with his knees and punching him hard and repeatedly in the face. "I'm not disgusting! You simple minded, pea brained, ignorant son of a bitch!"

He was pulled off and flung away by Castiel and hit the ground hard, choking on dust and climbed up, smirking in grim satisfaction at the blood that coated Mikhael's face. Mikhael spat blood, drawing an arm across his face and flung a hand to the side which moments later was holding a sharp, heavy sword. Lucifer's lip curled, a sleek, powerful trident appearing in his hands as he and Mikhael took fighting stances. Gabriel's fists clenched and he looked to Castiel, who looked back, they were both still, watching.

The world hung still and silent before Mikhael kicked up dirt and charged at Lucifer.


Gabriel gasped as he hit the ground hard, staring up at the blackened sky. Lucifer slunk over him, slow and predatory, taking his time in journeying up his body. The desert was soiled with blood and charred beyond recognition. Azrael had dragged Castiel into the Pit, surprising everyone at his sudden claim over the withered, Falling soul that was Castiel. Mikhael had been harder, the battle had waged on for days, searing a black and red line of blood and ash through almost the entirety of the Holy Land. He had been flung down in Judea. He had gone screaming into the Pit, his Grace exploded, killing hundreds of innocents in the town as it was dragged, slowly rotting, down. Now Gabriel and Lucifer lay among the tattered ruins, caked with blood and soot, some still burning, some still dying.

Lucifer licked a line up Gabriel's neck, breathing him in and smiling at him ferally. Gabriel took hold of his hair and yanked him into a biting kiss. They fought for dominance until Gabriel submitted, Lucifer teeth clamping down on his lower lip and splitting it open.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Gabriel let himself be rolled, straddling Lucifer's hips and undulating as the skies turned red and fire rained down.

pairing: gabriel/lucifer, pairing: sam/gabriel, rating: nc-17, kink: hurt/comfort, genre: romance, type: fic, character: gabriel, kink: religious themes, genre: smut, genre: dark!fic, genre: angst

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