who's the girl you like the most?

Dec 04, 2010 08:30


Our exchange has been very fortunate in its members' dedication, but not everyone can complete their gifts. We've had only a few people drop out so far and ask for a helping hand in making gifts for their recipients. Up for the challenge? Check out below to see what kind of pairings are being requested!

We need fanfiction, fanmixes, fanvideos, or art of any kind for any of the following pairings:
Jess/Sarah, girl!Sam/girl!Dean, Katie/Sophia Bush, Genevieve/Danneel Harris, Sandy/Any

Interested? Comment here and further prompts will be sent to you via PM!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone :)

bloodnfire, coyotesuspect, and familiardevil

P.S. All comments are screened

!pinch hits, !mod post

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