Posting Instructions!

Oct 31, 2010 17:20

Happy Halloween, femmeslashers! :D Tomorrow is the start of posting for our second round of the Supernatural Femmeslash Exchange. Here's what we require for those who have signed up.

You're free to post whenever you like between November 1st and 30th. When posting your gift please make sure to follow these guidelines:

- Please post the entire body of your gift to the community. Once your post has been accepted from the moderation queue you're free to re-post it at your journal or anywhere else your heart desires.

- In your subject line please state who your gift is for. Example: Fic Title Here - for familiardevil

- Remember to use an lj-cut when posting your gift. If you don't know how, the code is: [lj-cut text="your cut text here"] BODY OF YOUR GIFT HERE [/lj-cut] Just replace [ and ] with < and >

- In your header please make sure you include the following: Pairing, Rating and any Warnings (please warn for spoilers for the last aired episode and any future episodes).

Suggested header template:


To keep thing organized the mods will be tagging all entries by author, pairing, rating and recipient.

If you have any questions feel free to PM a mod or comment here.

If you don't think you'll be able to participate this round, please let us know as soon as possible.

That's it! Have fun guys :D <3

Lots of love,
bloodnfire, coyotesuspect and familiardevil

!posting instructions, !mod post

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