
Sep 18, 2010 10:26

Hi all,

Partner assignments are out!

If you have no issues with your partner, great. It means we created a good match. Please let us know by email that you're happy with your assignment. However, it is understandable that we may not have created a great match. We did the best we could with the information we had.

If you have issues, please try to solve it between yourselves first. Many of you signed up to co-write, however if that will not work you can write a duet instead. If it's a matter of writing topic, figure out if there's something you can write about before contacting the mods. Many of you seemed very flexible. In short, please try to come up with a solution yourselves before contacting the mods.

If you absolutely cannot work with your partner, contact the mods by email and we will re-assign you. Since there was a small pool of pariticpants, reassignments won't happen immediately and it may take a few days to work out a solution.

The solution may require some participants to work on multiple stories. Many of you said you'd be willing in the questionnaire. We'd like to confirm that people have time, so if you can commit to another story, please comment below. Also if you'd be willing to pinch hit please comment here

As always if you have any issues please contact the mods by pm or email.


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