Title: I Come to You in Pieces
Author: beckalooby
Beta: cherry916
Rating: NC- 17
Warnings: Schmoop, hospitals, mentions of death, AU. All information on medical issues in this are all from google and my imagination. I have no direct knowledge of this specific of illness though I do many others that are similar. All mistakes are mine.
Characters/pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The depictions in this story or in no way real or affiliated with the actors used.
Summary: Jensen is the newest volunteer at Mayview Hospital, he’s no idea what he’s doing or even if he wants to be there, but when a long haired beauty catches his eye, he changes his mind in an instant, trouble is, that very same beauty only has a few months to live. (Not a deathfic)
A/N: This is what happens when none of my current WIP’s are working for me, I’m bored and want to try my hand at a story that isn’t a gazillion chapters long. Enjoy.
Part 1 I
Part 2 I
Part 3 I