A small collection of drabbles, codas and meditations based on the Supernatural pilot.
"Already There" (Gen, PG)
Characters: John, Sam, Dean.
Drabble (100 Words), Coda, Canon compliant, Suspense.
Summary: Maybe prescience ran in the family.
"Why did it have to be clowns?" (Gen, PG)
Characters: Sam, Azazel.
Drabble (114 Words), Coda, Canon Compliant, Horror.
Summary: Even buried memories have a legacy,
"Freaks" (Gen, PG)
Characters: Sam, Dean.
Coda (366 words), Canon Compliant, Horror.
Summary: "You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it?" Dean had asked him. "Not normal. Safe," he'd replied. But safe from what? From whom? What was it that Sam was truly afraid of?
"Family Snap" (Gen, G)
Characters: Jessica Moore, John Winchester. (Discussion of Sam).
Additional allusions to "Hookman", "Bugs" and "Sam Interrupted", Reference to mental health issues, Not Canon Compliant, 1312 words.
Summary: Things always look different from an outsider point of view. Sometimes very different.
"Weeping Woman" (Gen, PG)
Characters: Mary, Sam, Dean. (Reference to John Winchester and Constance Welch)
Additional Allusions to "Home", "Roadkill" and "Dark Side of the Moon". Suspense. Mention of mental health issues and suicide. Not Canon Compliant. 400 words.
Summary: "Mr. Welch, did you ever hear of a Woman In White? . . . Or sometimes Weeping Woman? It's a ghost story. Well, it's more of a phenomenon, really. Um, they're spirits. They've been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places, in Hawaii, Mexico, lately Arizona, Indiana. All these are different women, you understand. But all share the same story." (Sam Winchester, "The Pilot".)
"Quite a Character" (Gen, G).
Characters: Sam, "The Other", Jessica, Luis (Pilot).
Additional allusions to "After School Special", "Provenance", "Shadow" and "Wendigo". Not Canon Compliant. 1209 words.
Summary: By the help of an image I call to my own opposite, summon all That I have handled least, least looked upon. (“Ego Dominus Tuus”, W. B. Yeats)