Below the cut are three recs for this episode that are made of awesome. Seriously. Go check them out!
I always love a well written fic which shows that while John has many flaws, he also loves his boys more anything. I love how Sam goes to bat for his brother here, reminding John how much Dean takes his words to heart. Grab a tissue to read this; especially the last scene.
Title: Unfinished Business
eloise-bright Rating: PG13 (gen)
Warnings: None
Summary: 1x20 Dead Man's Blood. Written for the jeffathon prompt #15 - “John and Dean (or Sam) post Something Wicked, mending fences.” This is actually set as a tag for Dead Man’s Blood. I did try to get some fence-mending done. But you know John.
He wakes up late. This is made of awesome! Dean is left alone with his thoughts while he procures some dead man's blood. It's a clever AU that focus' on how much Dean sacrifices for his family and how much easier it is now that - wait, I don't want to give it away! Read it!
Title: Heartbeat
tru-faith-lost Rating: PG-13 for language, Gen
Warnings: None
Summary: 1x20 Dead Man's Blood. AU for Dead Man's Blood. Because funeral homes are so hard to come by in the Colorado sticks.
The letting is easy. This amazing fic really gives you a look into John and Dean's relationship as Dean finds out about John's plan. I love Dean's characterisation here; he's both smart and honest, sometimes brutally honest. How John is portrayed here won't be how some people see John but I really feel that the author makes this work.
Title: Conversations over a Gun Box and a Roadmap
blueiris08 Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: 1x20 Dead Man's Blood. “Maybe if John had confronted it right then, things would have gone differently. But he couldn’t ask without tipping his hand.”
John guessed Dean knew something the moment he saw his face as he stood when John entered the room. If you know of any Dead Man's Blood fics you'd like to share leave a comment or make your own post to the community; either is welcomed.
And please, if you enjoy the fic, leave a comment and let the author know!