Title: Time For a Prophet
Author: Alyndra
Episode (Spoiler): 11x21 All In the Family
Category: Gen
Pairing: Characters: Kevin, Chuck, Donatello
Summary: This last episode needed a little more Kevin to make it work.
Also, in which I take utterly shameless advantage of not having heard Donatello say his own last name.
Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes/Warnings/etc: Canonical character death
Time For a Prophet Title: Offering an Arm
Author: Alyndra
Episode (Spoiler): 11x21 All In the Family
Category: Gen
Pairing: Dean & Amara, Dean & Sam, Sam & Lucifer
Summary: Amara gets real with Dean. Later, Dean and Sam compare archfoe relationships.
Or, what if 11x21 All In the Family had explored a few more emotions?
Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes/Warnings/etc: villiany, feels
Offering an Arm Other than being fix-its to the same episode, the two fics are fairly unrelated. Here's the
DW Masterpost