[Fics] Beauty I & II - the Impala, Dean, Sam; stream of consciousness; 10x05/10x06 tags

Dec 19, 2014 08:15

1. Title: Beauty I
Genre: gen, stream of consciousness
Characters: Dean (POV), the Impala, Sam
Word Count: ~3700
Rating: thematic R
Warnings: because the fic itself is gen, warning for brief m/m insinuations; trigger warning for extensive imagination of suicide
Summary: What to do when you might be beyond salvage, and how to tell your brother.
Notes: 10x05 "Fan Fiction" tag, slightly inflected with 3x10 "Dream a Little Dream of Me" and 10x07 "Girls, Girls, Girls." It also fills my spnspiration bingo squares for "future tense" and "non-linearity." Serves as prequel to Beauty II, which is a short 10x06 tag.

What Dean imagines vibrantly before him takes the form of engine oil and brand new gaskets, pumping steel and bright red, arterial wires. For a moment, Dean loses himself to a fantasy of cotter pins and bearing cups. He wants, he realizes. He really wants.

2. Title: Beauty II
Genre: psychological horror, stream of consciousness, logical chaos
Characters: the Impala, Dean, Sam
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~550
Notes: 10x06 "Ask Jeeves" tag.

Back to normal, people might say, if you knew people; back in black, they'd say, if they knew you well (if you knew any people to know you well).


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